Palladia is the brand name product containing toceranib, indicated for the treatment of Patnaik grade II or III, recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement in dogs. Palladia is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, meaning it helps stunt the growth and spreading of the tumor. It can also help cut off the blood supply to the tumor.
After handling Palladia tablets, you should always wash your hands immediately. Never crush, break, or split the Palladia tablets. If there is a broken or moistened tablet in the bottle, handle all tablets left in the bottle with gloves on. Palladia can be found in your dog’s stools, vomit, and urine, so you should always wear gloves while cleaning up after your dog while on Palladia. Keep Palladia out of the reach of your pets and children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant, take extra caution when handling Palladia tablets if you must administer them. It is important to keep up with all veterinary and lab appointments while your dog is on Palladia.